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The Word Alive

(CMS Anniversary)
            Matthew 28:16-20

The instruction in our passage today are among last words of Christ before His ascension into heaven. We all know that the final words of a person at the point of departure are often very weighty, and it's very important for the hearers to take them seriously. For Jesus, all He had taught, spoken and demonstrated to His disciples while He was with them is to culminate in this movement known to us today, as the Great Commission   - to make disciples of all nations. To further reiterate how crucial this matter is St. Luke, writing to Theophilus, also noted the last words of Jesus instructing His disciples thus:
  "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes to you; and you be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to ends of the earth" (Acts 1:8)
    This was the voice the disciples heard, which set them ablaze and caused the spread of the gospel like wildfire in the Roman world of their time. This was also the same voice the Church Missionary Society (CMS) heard in the 19th century, which inspired them to sacrifice their comforts and security and venture into the then known worlds to bring the same gospel to us. This is the same voice speaking to us today, motivating us to seek reach out to people far and near. It took the sacrifices of others to bring the gospel to you- the gospel that has saved, delivered and blessed you.
What can you do to extend this same gospel to someone else today?

PRAYER: Lord, make me a messenger of the gospel to others.

from the Church of Nigeria, Daily Devotional Guide. 27th of July. 2020

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Thanks for your comments. God bless His word in our lives. IJN.

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