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 Matthew 101-15



Today commemorates St. Bartholomew, an Apostle of Christ and usually identified as Nathaniel. He was one of the first missionaries commissioned by Jesus Christ (v.1-4). A missionary is a person who is sent to a foreign country to teach people about Christianity. According to tradition, after Christ's death, resurrection and ascension, Bartholomew evangelized in the East - in Mesopotamia, Persia, around the Black sea and perhaps reaching as far as India. Like all of the apostles, with the exception of St. John, he met his death by martyrdom. According to tradition, Bartholomew converted the king of Armenia by casting out a demon from the chief idol in the temple and then destroying all the idols. In a rage, the king's older brother ordered Bartholomew to be seized, beaten and executed.

    If you are a believer, you have also been enlisted by Christ to be a missionary according to Matthew 28:19. This mission is not yet complete. The call is still extended. We must heed the call. We must either be involved as go - missionaries. To be a no-missionary is not an option for a child of God. You can use your resources to assist or sponsor those who are on the mission field as you continue to pray for them.

PRAYER:    Lord, give me the heart of a missionary and preserve the missionaries from all forms of attacks through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

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