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 Acts 21:17-26



  Genesis 1:31 states that "... God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good." You are created to radiate God's glory: Your words, actions, and entire life are designed to give glory to God. Anything short of this is a deviation, and it negates the purpose of creation. From our text, Apostle Paul returned to Jerusalem from his second missionary journey, appeared before the church elders to give account of those things which God had done among the Gentiles through his ministry (v.19) and to refute the wrong allegations levelled against him by his detractors. When the elders heard the report "... they glorified the Lord..." (v.20) despite malicious reports they received earlier about Paul.

    Beloved, you are created in Christ Jesus to show forth His good works. Paul's preaching ministry brought glory to God among the Gentiles and joy to the church elders. Is your way of life bringing praise and glory to God in your family, office and neighbourhood? Do something that will put smiles on someone's face today. Through Paul, many lives were won for Christ and thus, delivered from eternal destruction in hell fire. How often do you preach the gospel? Like Philip the Evangelist, do not hide the grace of God, tell someone about the love of Christ today and so bring joy to aching hearts (Acts 8:5-8).

PRAYER: Lord, let my life bring glory to You, use me today to tell someone of Your love; in Jesus Name I pray. Amen

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