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Matthew 9:9-13


    Today is the commemoration of St. Matthew the Apostle. He is also called Levi in the Gospel of St. Mark and St. Luke. The name Matthew means the Gift of God. Ministers are God’s gifts to the church; their ministry and ability are God’s gifts to them. Matthew was a publican, from among a group who are notoriously unscrupulous in the collection of taxes. Because of their extortion and position as agents of Rome, the publicans were socially rejected, religiously excommunicated and politically viewed as traitors. Nevertheless, their job was lucrative. When Jesus called Matthew, saying “Follow me” (v.9), he forsook his lucrative position to become the Lord’s disciple. How many of us would walk away from high – paying job to be the Lord’s servant?

                Having seen what Jesus had done for him, he used his influence to introduce others to Christ. He invited his friends, to a feast in honour of Jesus that they too might become acquainted with him (v. 10). How many of us have opened our home to our neighbours and friends to introduce them to Christ? Can you open your home for House – fellowship? Matthew’s example of using his influence to bring others to Christ should be instructive to each one of us.

PRAYER:      Lord, make me an instrument to bring sinners to Your kingdom, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

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