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 Ecclesiastes 1:12-18



    King Solomon, the writer of this Scripture began his reign as a humble servant of the Lord, seeking God's wisdom and help (1 Kings 3:5-15). In response to his humble prayer, God promised him both wisdom and wealth (1 Kings 3:5-15); and He kept His promise. As Solomon grew older, he turned away from the Lord to the false gods of the many wives he married from foreign lands (1 Kings 11:1-11). These marriages were motivated primarily  by polities, not love as Solomon sought alliances with the nations around Israel. In fact, many things Solomon did to bring glory to Israel were contrary to the Word of God (Deuteronomy 17:14-20). The passage today is a reflection of a miserable king in his latter years. God removed His hand of blessing (1 Kings 11), but only maintained Solomon's throne because of His promise to David his father. There is no record that King Solomon repented and turned to the Lord, but his message in Ecclesiastes suggests that he did, because the book appears to be the kind a person would write near to the close of life, reflecting on life's experiences and the lessons learned. He probably wrote this during the years he faithfully  walked with God, and near the end of his life.

    Therefore, one thing is always constant: God is faithful no matter how we err from Him. But He is always waiting for His repentant child. The stupendous wealth and wisdom of Solomon could not give him joy anymore because God was not in them. Wealth and success can never bring fulfilment of life if Christ is lost. Many lose Christ when they seek these things. Seek first the Kingdom of heaven and all these things shall be added to you (Matthew 6:33).

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