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 Ecclesiastes 5:1-7



    It is interesting to note that God places caution on how we engage our tongues to express our thoughts and feelings in life. Words are very powerful and Christians are constantly admonished to use them with careful consideration of their positive and negative impacts. In our passage today, we are told

 “Do not be rash with your mouth, and let not your heart utter anything before God. For God is in heaven and you are in earth, therefore let your words be few” (v.2).

James 3:7 – 10 reveals what we can achieve with our words. It is a reality that our feelings, thoughts and inspiration. As Christians, we must not stumble in word but rather control what comes out of our mouths.

                Beloved as you go out today, be aware that there are people who will annoy you; there are situations that could prompt negative reactions from you. Your response to them will communicate your Christianity and virtues to those around you. There are Christians who rain curses at every slightest provocation. Some even go to the extent of declaring publicly that Christ be put aside when they are angry. There are Christian homes that have become a place of noise and trouble owing to inability to engage the tongue for positive purposes. Our words can defile us before God if we misuse them. Jesus Christ says

 “ Not what goes into the mouth defiles a person but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man” (Matthew 15:11).

 It is interesting to note that a man speaks from the abundance of his heart, therefore, in all your endeavours today, do not be hasty to utter anything prompted by situations around you. Let your words be seasoned with grace so your hearers will be edified. Do not speak rashly today.

PRAYER:               Dear heavenly Father, grant me grace to be watchful in the way I use my tongue, in Jesus Name. Amen

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